Statistics: The truth in a lot of ways

Statistics is a field that deals with the collection, analysis, and presentation of numerical data. In simple words: Here some are the most frequent mathematical examples: Average (Also called the [Arithmetic] Mean): How to calculate it: Add up all of the values in a group, then divide it by the total number of data. WhenContinue reading “Statistics: The truth in a lot of ways”

The types of numbers

Whole Numbers. Whole numbers can’t be negative, fractions, or decimals. Includes 0. Examples: 0, 2, 3, 13. Natural Numbers. Natural numbers are whole numbers from 1 and up. They do NOT include 0. Examples: 1, 14, 27. Positive Numbers. Any number greater than 0. DOES include Fractions and Decimals. Example: 1, 0.25, 22/7. Negative Numbers. Any numberContinue reading “The types of numbers”

Do The Math: Secrets, Lies, and Algebra

Do The Math: Secrets, Lies, and Algebra, by Wendy Lichtman, is an amazing book! Although it’s main purpose isn’t to teach math, it still manages to sneak it in into the story’s plot. Tess, the book’s main character, relates many things to math – everything from her neighbor’s death, to friendship problems – and teachesContinue reading “Do The Math: Secrets, Lies, and Algebra”

Who said Math and Fiction can’t go hand in hand?

No one! There are many amazing titles that combine both math and literature! I, myself, am working on a book like that! One of the best examples of this is The Number Devil by Hans Magnus Enzensberger. Another great example is Do the Math: Secrets, Lies, and Algebra by Wendy Lichtman. Both of these booksContinue reading “Who said Math and Fiction can’t go hand in hand?”