
Welcome to Random Pickle!

In this blog we will cover everything from Math, Creative Writing, to any random pick! We hope this will make an awesome learning experience for you as well.

Recent Posts:

Basics of Chess

Chess is a fun, strategic, and fast-moving board game. Each player has 16 pieces (A king, a queen, two bishops, two knights, two rooks, and 8 pawns) which are placed on an 8-to-8 board. Here are the movement rules for the pieces: King: The king is the most important piece, can only move one square…

Showing & Telling

One great thing about books is that there’s a lot of variety. Some have big, juicy paragraphs that zoom into the picture and describe every nook and cranny. Others keep it simple and stick to the point, having as much detail as required. And when you’re writing, whether it’s an essay for class or a…

Government, Government, Government!

There are so many different types of Government. But how many types are there? What countries have each type? For this post, we’ll be focusing on three types of Government: Monarchy, Communism, and Republic. Monarchy: Definition – A type of government where power is invested in one person, typically a queen or a king. Examples – Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Norway, etc. Communism:…

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